Comments from main contact at City of Kalamazoo…
“Josh did a great job with the uniform fittings last week. Some of our crews can be resistant to change and he handled their questions and concerns nicely. Overall, he had a great attitude, very friendly and energetic!”
Great Job Josh and thank you for all you do!
-Brandon Balbo
Comments 2
Way to go Josh, we are on stage every time we speak/visit with a customer, even when the conversation isn’t about our service the customer is building/confirming their impression of you and CLS. Positive impressions lead to strong relationships. Josh, you went out on a mundane assignment (resize after renewal) and impressed the customer, which strengthened their opinion of you and CLS. Results like this are long-lasting and a home run. Some people say don’t sweat the small stuff, but you turn the small stuff into a big darn deal in a great way.
Thanks Josh.
Great job Josh!
Super proud to see these comments on your actions! Like Tim says – Sweating the small stuff is a big darn deal… Way to go!