In times of crisis we lift each other up and ensure a safe and caring place for our neighbors. Your neighbors, friends, and loved ones are at an elevated risk during this latest crisis in our nation. The latest virus we are living through is very serious, but more so is the severely declining availability of blood.
There is no substitute for the lifesaving gift of blood. It is precious. It is perishable. And the need for it is vital. Together with you, we make our communities stronger. We are a beacon of hope.
Please Keep Your Scheduled Blood Drives
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, we are urging you to keep your scheduled blood drives and to encourage your donors to keep their appointments to ensure the continued adequacy of the blood supply.
If you do not currently have a blood drive scheduled, we ask you to consider scheduling one soon. In some communities, many blood drives have been canceled and some loyal donors are not keeping appointments – both of which will have a impact on the blood supply.
As a Thank You
If your blood drive takes place in March, your donors will be eligible to:
- Receive a $10 e-gift card if they donate by March 31, 2020
Donors must ensure their email address is valid when they schedule their appointment and enter code PNP2020 in the notes to receive an email to get their gift card.
It is critically important that healthy individuals continue to donate to minimize disruptions to the blood supply and ensure blood is available for patients. Thank you for saving lives in your community!