CLS COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan

COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan 

CLS Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan 

Created 3/10/2020 rev. 6/1/2020 rev. 10/23/2020 rev. 5/27/2021 

CLS has developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan and CLS Infectious  Disease Preparedness and Response Plan. It is in accordance with applicable public health orders  and rules 

This plan will be placed where it is readily available to Employees, Union Representatives and  Customers. CLS has posted physical copies of this plan at all locations. 


CLS takes the health and safety of our employees seriously. With the spread of COVID-19 and the need  for certain employees to continue in-person work, either because they are critical infrastructure workers  or they are needed to conduct minimum basic operations for the Company, the Company is committed  to reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 at the Company’s workplace(s) and to providing a healthy  and safe workplace for our employees.  

This Plan is based on information and guidance from the CDC and OSHA* at the time of its initial development, follows the Michigan COVID-19 Employee Rights Act and is subject to change based on  further information provided by the CDC, OSHA, MIOSHA, MDHHS, Michigan law and other public officials.  The Company may also amend this Plan based on operational needs(see Current Government Regulations  folder). 

All referenced files are kept on the CLS G-drive and this file has been shared with all members of  the Executive Management team and HR staff. CLS has provided access to physical copies of this  plan by posting them at all locations. 

*Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 

U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3990-03 2020


This plan will be coordinated by the CLS Executive Team and HR Director, and adjusted based  on changes in Federal and State guidance. The first point of contact will be the HR Director. This  plan will be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis by the CLS Executive Team. 


Based on declarations issued by the U.S. Government and/or the State of Michigan, CLS will put  the following steps into action: 

● Review CLS status as Critical Infrastructure 

-CLS will follow guidance based on local or national legislation. Generally this guidance  will follow the definition of business considered Critical Infrastructure as defined by the  U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 

-If not clearly stated in the legislative documents, CLS will seek a legal opinion. Based on  legal opinion provided related to COVID-19, CLS is considered Critical Infrastructure as  defined by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 

Note- TRSA has succeeded (May 2020) in getting the linen, uniform and facility services industry and their suppliers added as critical workforce, thus allowing commercial/industrial laundries to maintain operations. It is recognized by DHS and all  states. 

● If CLS is NOT determined to be Critical Infrastructure, CLS ownership will make the final  decision to close the business and CLS will follow the orderly closing procedure outlined  in the infectious disease closing plan (see Infectious Disease Closing Plan folder) 

● Upon determination that CLS is considered to be Critical Infrastructure as defined  above, the following steps will be put into place to protect Team Members, Customers  and Visitors: 


Executive Team Planning 

Meetings will be implemented (frequency TBD) with the CLS Executive Team to make decisions  to protect our Team Members, Customers, Visitors and the business in general. This team will  also be responsible for developing internal and external communication. All media contacts will  be handled by the President of CLS.

All social media platforms will be utilized to advise customers that CLS has been identified as a  Critical Infrastructure supplier and is remaining open to supply their needs. 

All social media platforms will be utilized as well as written communication to advise CLS Team  Members that CLS has been identified as a Critical Infrastructure supplier and is remaining  open. 

Internal and external communication (meetings) should be conducted virtually wherever  possible. 


Critical Infrastructure Workers 

CLS will identify all workers that are defined as Critical Infrastructure Workers and will provide a  letter to each Team Member identifying them as such. This letter is to be carried by the Team  Member for identification to law enforcement (see Essential Infrastructure Workers folder). 

Minimum Basic Operations Workers 

CLS will identify all workers that are defined as Minimum Basic Operations Workers and will  provide a letter to each Team Member identifying them as such. This letter is to be carried by  the Team Member for identification to law enforcement (see Essential Infrastructure Workers  folder). 


Suppliers necessary to support Critical Infrastructure (Michigan) 

If the declaration is made by the state of Michigan, CLS operations management will review all  Michigan based suppliers to determine their status and if they should be provided written  notice that they are designated a SUPPLIER/secondary supplier AS NECESSARY to support  critical infrastructure (see Critical Suppliers folder). 

Suppliers necessary to support Critical Infrastructure (National) 

If the declaration is made by the U.S. Government, CLS operations management will review all  U.S. based suppliers to determine their status and if they should be provided written notice  that they are designated a SUPPLIER/Secondary supplier AS NECESSARY to support critical  infrastructure (see Critical Suppliers folder) 

ABILITY TO SERVICE (absenteeism) 

CLS is a decentralized organization with six distribution and three processing related facilities in  the state of Michigan. CLS has over 200 Team Members across the state of Michigan and  multiple locations, and believes it can overcome an impact at any of its locations.

Team Members that are sick will be actively encouraged to stay home. CLS maintains a PTO  policy for absenteeism, and will implement any additional sick leave policies in keeping with  Federal and State laws. 

In addition, CLS had developed a Disaster Contingency Plan in which it has agreements from  multiple partner companies to provide processing if there were to be a sudden and unexpected  loss of one of its production facilities. This Contingency Plan is reviewed annually by the CLS  Executive Team (see CLS- Disaster Contingency Plan). 


Recognizing that Team Members may be absent or away from the business (working from  home), cross training should be implemented wherever possible. 


All business travel will be restricted to business critical only, and only approved by ownership.  For Team Members returning from vacation, CLS will follow CDC self-isolation guidelines in  place at the time. Personal travel restrictions may be imposed based on conditions at the time. 


Outside visitors will be kept limited. All visitors must have a scheduled appointment. All  scheduled visitors will be required to complete a CLS Health Assessment prior to entrance into  any CLS facility. In addition, they will be required to use hand sanitizer, wear a mask if not  vaccinated and meet their CLS host at the front entrance at Manchester Road (see Visitor  Screening Process file). 



(See Educational and Safety Resources file) 


All managers and supervisors must be familiar with this Plan and be ready to answer questions  from employees. Managers and supervisors must set a good example by following this Plan at  all times. This involves practicing good personal hygiene and jobsite safety practices to prevent  the spread of the virus. Managers and supervisors must encourage this same behavior from all  employees.


The Company is asking every one of our employees to help with our prevention efforts while at  work. In order to minimize the impact of COVID-19 at our worksite(s), everyone must play their  part. As set forth below, the Company has instituted various housekeeping, social distancing, and  other best practices at our workplace(s) to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and prevent its spread  in the workplace. All employees must follow these best practices at all times for them to be  effective. Beyond these best practices, the Company requires employees to report immediately  to their managers or supervisors if they are experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as  described below. If employees have a specific question about this Plan or COVID-19, they should  ask their manager or supervisor or contact the Human Resources Department. 

In addition, employees must familiarize themselves with the symptoms and exposure risks of  COVID-19 as defines by the Michigan COVID-19 Employee Rights Act (as of 12/31/2020): 

The following workplace actions will be put into place as directed by MIOSHA (5/24/2021) 

Basic infection prevention  

• Promote frequent/thorough hand washing, provide antiseptic hand sanitizer  • Prohibit entry into the workplace for symptomatic employees, employees who have tested  positive, and non-vaccinated close contacts  

• Increase facility cleaning in accordance with the CDC  

• Use EPA-approved disinfectants 

• Encourage sick employees to stay home

Health Surveillance 

• Daily entry health screening for all employees and contractors  

• Require employees to promptly report signs/symptoms  

• Isolate, send home, require remote work for persons known or suspected to have COVID-19  • Notify co-workers/contractors/suppliers who may have come into contact with a person with a  known case of COVID-19  

• Prohibit employees from entry until isolation/quarantine requirements fulfilled  • Comply with Michigan COVID-19 Employee Rights Act 

Safety Coordinator, Social Distancing & Masks 

• Have a COVID-19 Safety Coordinator at each location (primary is HR/Safety Manager) • Ensure unvaccinated employees remain 6 feet apart to the maximum extent feasible  • Masks  

o Provide to unvaccinated employees  

o Require unvaccinated employees to wear while indoors if they cannot  

consistently maintain 6 feet of separation from other individuals  

Masks: Vaccinated/Unvaccinated & Training 

Employees are considered “fully vaccinated” when at least two weeks have passed after receiving the final  dose of an FDA-approved or FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine. 

• Compliance Options:  

o Keep records of whether employees are fully vaccinated- CLS Choice 

o Post signs in the workplace reminding employees that are not fully vaccinated  to wear face coverings and to maintain appropriate distancing  

o Allow or require remote work  

o Require face coverings and social distancing for all employees regardless of  vaccination status 

• Training- will be provided and documented to Team Members covering at a minimum (see  Training Documents folder):  

o Workplace infection control 

o Steps employees must take to notify business of symptoms, or suspected  or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis 

o How to report unsafe working conditions 

o Routes by which the virus containing COVID-19 is transmitted from  

person to person 

o Distance that the virus can travel by air, as well as it remains viable in the  air and on environmental surfaces 

o The use of PPE, including the proper steps for putting it on and taking it  off. 

o Information about vaccine availability

• Record Keeping 

For a period of 6 months, CLS will keep the following records  

▪ Daily entry screening: Non-vaccinated employees/contractors  

▪ Positive test protocol notifications  

▪ Vaccination information records if you are requiring them 

The following additional steps/guidelines may be considered or put into place: General facility and office areas 

Positions that involve direct contact with customers (i.e. service management, sales) will be  advised by their leadership on reduced or eliminated face-to-face interactions 

CLS Team Members will temporarily no longer sign for deliveries 

Limitations will be placed on the number of people in the restroom 

Team Members will be encouraged to utilize support services provided through their EAP resources 

Posted signs indicating designated entry/exits for Production, Office, RSP, etc. workers, to prevent  bypassing the required health screening process. 

Reduce work days 


Breaks will be spread out to limit the number of people in the breakroom Limitations will be placed on the number of people in the restroom 

Install physical barriers between workstations where practical 

Seats will be identified in the breakroom that meet the social distancing requirements  established by the CDC 

Equipment used with soiled products will be sanitized before reuse 

Reduce work days 


Hand sanitizer on all trucks 

No signatures will be required on handheld devices 

Handheld devices are to be wiped down several times per day 

Sanitizing delivery vehicles will be completed daily 

Reduce work days


Hand sanitizer on all trucks 

Sanitizing semi-trailers will be completed daily 

Reduce work days 



Follow guidelines and directives issued by the Federal and State governments related to time off  related to the specific outbreak and monitored by Human Resources. CLS is participating in the  voluntary extension of the payroll tax credit available to employers under the American Rescue Plan Act  (“ARPA”). In accordance therewith, employees may qualify for two different types of paid leave described  under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”). See HR for questions. 

COMMUNICATION (see Suspected or Confirmed Case- HR folder): 

Sick Team Member 

The Team Member will report that they are sick or experiencing symptoms of the infectious  disease (COVID-19) to their immediate supervisor, who will immediately report to Human  Resources (see Suspected or Confirmed Case- HR folder). 

Suspected or Confirmed Case 

The Team Member will report the suspected or confirmed case to their immediate supervisor  or directly to Human Resources. Human Resources will make the determination of actions to be  taken. Generally, the Team Member will be advised to leave work or not come to work, and  consult their healthcare provider.  

Confirmed Case- within 24 hours, CLS will notify both: 

– Any co-workers, contractors, or suppliers who may have come into contact with the  person with the confirmed case of COVID-19. The Company will work to identify any  employees who have close contact with individuals with COVID-19 symptoms. CLS will  follow CDC and government issue guidelines and the CLS decision flow chart for  isolation (see Suspected or Confirmed Case- HR folder). CLS will keep a record of this  information. 

Likewise, if unvaccinated employees come into close contact with someone showing these  symptoms, they must notify their supervisor immediately and consult their healthcare provider.  The Company will also work to identify any employees who have close contact with individuals  with COVID-19 symptoms. 


For unvaccinated individuals, “Close Contact” is defined by the CDC as someone who was within  6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period  starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test  specimen collection until the time the patient is isolated- (see Suspected or Confirmed Case- HR  folder). 

In coordination between the Executive Team, Human Resources and local management the  following steps will be put into place: 

The area that the employee worked will be closed off and deep cleaned using FDA and CDC  approved disinfectants and following MSDS guidelines. The common areas that the Team  Member came into contact with (I.e. breakroom, lunchroom) will be closed and deep cleaned  using FDA and CDC approved disinfectants and following MSDS guidelines. 

Depending on the situation, deep cleaning may be performed by an outside source specializing  in biohazard remediation. These resources may include, but not limited to: 

Service Master of Kalamazoo 269-344-3600 

Servpro of East Kalamazoo 269-342-2366 

Puroclean 269-463-8370


Monitored by the HR Director, CLS will allow Team Members with a suspected or confirmed  case of COVID-19 to return to the workplace only after they are no longer infectious according  to the latest guidance from the CDC or other governmental agencies. (see Return to Work file)